I Have No Hands And I Must Hug
A downloadable game
There's only one spot on the Lessismor island where madness hasn't tuck in yet. In the garden of Joe&Moe everything is still nice and organized. Their days have passed in happiness and isolation but the madness of Lessismor island is trying to get inside.
I Have No Hands And I Must Hug is a 3D action adventure game where you play as Joe, a creature without hands, solving little puzzles in order to keep Joe&Moe's garden running.
Game made in Godot engine: https://godotengine.org/. Expect around half an hour of playtime.
If you have any impressions during your playtime, press F1 and send me a message.
Big thanks to the people who did the voice acting:
Miranda Gauvin - Moe
Lance Samuel - Rubinstein
Michelangelo Slater - Bilmo
Lucas Villaça - Pinpy
To people who tested the game:
Lucas Villaça
Lorenzo (Big thanks!!!)
And to the banner designer: Srđan Bakić
And portrait drawer: @MrPr1993T
If you liked the game, please tell your friends about it!
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Beautifully wacky game it is! Must play full version, I must! Gots to save princess Moe!
Seriously, though, I'm totally in love with the art style of the game. It was neither too short to slip outta my mind nor too long to feel boring. In fact, it left me wanting for more!
On the technical side of things, the camera motion was kinda laggy/stuttery even on my fairly decent computer. The puzzles were quite tough and time consuming (I literally drew the imaginary circuits for the puzzles on paper!) but I'm guessing the full game might have easier puzzles in the beginning (?).
Overall, just a great experience, could do with a little more polish on the puzzles and camera motion (moving the camera with click drag seems unintuitive)
Thanks a bunch for detailed critique! I hope I'll release the full story one day