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i'd like to play more scenes of this game, i could help to proofread the texts and organize voice actors

Love the name of the zip package. "We Suspect A Foul Play Windows" - Touché.

Loved it, want more!!

This was fun! Had a slight issue of the clues button covering up the wine bottle.


Short but really interesting!

Can you update discord link?

yep! Updated


Short and sweet but so polished. Would love to see a longer game like this!

This is so cool! The art's great too. I feel like the play style  helps break my habit of brute forcing mysteries.


This was really well done!

Thank you!

There was a Jam about Detective Games!? That's exactly what I wanted for christmas.

Great game! Hope you make more! 

Thanks! We'll do our best :)

I wasn't able to get past the first screen in the browser because it kept freezing, but I was having enough fun to download the Windows version! Lovely little game, I enjoyed it a lot. I would definitely play more!

Thanks! Which browser/operating system did you use?

I was using Chrome on MacOS. It would freeze everything up so I'd have to restart the whole browser. I had no issues with the Windows version.

This was great fun! A good investigative game, I might finally give the Case of the Golden Idol a try :D The art is fantastic!


Bug reports:

* The butler is named Henry in his dialogue, but clicking on his name adds "Michael" to the wordlist for some reason.
* There only seem to be 11 clues in the introduction, not 14; likewise, there are only 32 clues in the main case, not 34.

Other than those two bugs tripping me up, and the occasional slightly-off word hitbox (might be a good idea to darken the box the cursor is currently over when a word is being dragged over it), I had no other issues with the game.

Heya! Thanks for the bug reports. The idea of signaling which box a word is being dragged over is great!

But I'm quite sure that the number of clues match correctly, seems like the ones you've not found weren't important for the case.

Looks very cool. Unfortunately I can't get past the first screen, because every time I start placing words the page freezes (after a couple of words).

Heya! What browser are you using and on which operating system? Have you tried the exported build?

It's Chrome and I'm on Mac so I guess the web version is my only option?

"I loved it! Great concept and very beautiful graphics. I recommend it."

Like the deductive detective idea, taked from "The case of golden idol". But still fresh! love it

So great!  the freezing and the word placement was fixed, I was able to finish it all in the browser.


This game is great! Glad the issue with word placement was fixed. Hopefully it'll get expanded into more chapters!

can't figure out the second one
doesn't appear to work properly

Wow looks great [zombie mode] Arrrghh… must actually work, but wants to test this now… Restrain myself… Will check it out tonight…


its a great game - i love the premise and the artwork - but its a constant hassle trying to drag and drop the words into the boxes. there's seemingly only one exact placement that works, so i had to keep dragging until it finally accepted it.

Should be improved now 💪


The game is beautiful and fun, but I'm having trouble getting the words to fit because of some bug. Could you fix this? It makes the game awful to play. 


Hey, it should be much better now!